Avalice Archives

-Round 1-

The chosen character breaks into the Dreadnought as Brevon makes an alarming speech to his troops.

Brevon: We have intruders on the ship! Mobilize!

Brevon: Haaaahhhh... GET THEM.

Eventually, the chosen character comes to a series of airlocks.

Brevon: Open the airlocks!

The airlocks open on Brevon's command, but the chosen character manages to get past it all. The chosen character finally comes to a seemingly-endless tunnel.

Brevon: Run while you still can, creature!

Syntax appears in its Force Mode. The chosen character fights and defeats Syntax and leaves it to be electrocuted by the force field behind them.

-Round 2-

-Lilac and Carol-

Brevon: You're forgetting something important about our troops. They don't... ...need... ...oxygen!

Brevon turns off the oxygen supply in an attempt to get the chosen character to asphyxiate, but the attempt fails eventually.

Eventually, the chosen character comes to Serpentine, who appears to be in pain. Serpentine's eyes glow red and yellow as they open, and he mutates into a monster. They battle. The chosen character wins and Serpentine's mutated form explodes, leaving his armor behind.

-Round 3-

Brevon: Ohhh nooo! My ship is being infiltrated! What ever shall I do? How about THIS.

Brevon activates the ship's Mega Turrets to stop the chosen character, but to no avail. Eventually, the chosen character finally reaches the core of the Dreadnought.

-Lilac and Carol's Scene-

Lilac (or Carol) inserts her disc-like device onto the control panel, shutting off the power. Suddenly, just as she is about to take the Kingdom Stone, Brevon shows up, holding Milla hostage at knife-point range. Lilac (or Carol) approaches, but Brevon seemingly slits Milla's throat, forcing her to remove the device and throw it to him. Brevon stomps on the device, destroying it, laughs, and leaps out of the room, dropping Milla in the process. Lilac (or Carol) consoles Milla, only for her eyes to glow red to her surprise as she mutates into a monster. Lilac (or Carol) is then forced to fight against Milla until she is defeated. She then runs over to Milla, who falls into a death-like coma.

-Lilac's Scene-

Lilac: Milla? Milla!!

Lilac attempts to get Milla to wake up to no avail, eventually breaking down in tears. She puts her hands on her head in despair and frustration over the fact that she was forced to fight against her own friend. Lilac then screams in grief and rage as she Dragon Boosts out of the room in pursuit of Brevon.

-Carol's Scene-

Carol: No! No...you gotta be kidding me.

Carol attempts to get Milla to wake back up to no avail, eventually breaking down in tears over her unconscious friend. Seconds later, she wipes her tears away then pounces out of the room to track down Brevon.

Carol: That's it!!

-Milla's Scene-

As she enters the room, Milla is shocked as she finds Torque with an unconscious Carol.

Milla: Carol!

Torque: It was an ambush. Brevon came out of nowhere. I have to take her back to the surface or she'll die.

Milla: Where's Lilac?

Torque: She went off to stop him.

Milla runs to the right, having made her decision.

Torque: Wait, what are you doing?!

Milla: Lilac needs help!

Torque: B-but... what about the-

Milla: We'll be stronger together!

Milla: I can do this!

Torque: ...Alright. Keep an eye on her, will ya?

Milla: Yes!

Milla runs off, leaving Torque to take care of Carol.

-Round 4-

After making it past Brevon's final defenses, the chosen character finally confronts Brevon himself, sitting on a pillar to the right of where the Kingdom Stone is being kept.

-Lilac and Carol's Scenes-

-Lilac's Line-

Lilac: I'll never forgive you!

-Carol's Line-

Carol: What you did is unforgiveable!

Brevon: I have no use for forgiveness, esp. from someone who puts my homeworld at risk for an oversized battery. I offer you one final chance. Leave. Now.

-Carol's Line-

Carol: NO! You're DEAD!

Brevon: So be it.

They battle. After the Absolution has been severely damaged, Brevon emerges and equips his Mech Armor.

Brevon: Take this!

After an intense battle, Lilac (or Carol) manages to severely damage Brevon's Mech as well.

Brevon: No!!

With Brevon's Mech severely damaged, Lilac (or Carol) squares off against him for the last time.

-Lilac's Line-

Lilac: Your machines won't save you from the dragon you've unleashed! I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU THROW AT ME! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!

-Carol's Line-

Carol: YEAH! IN YOUR FACE! I'll be taking that Kingdom Stone now!

Brevon breaks out of his damaged mech with his knife, glaring at Lilac (or Carol) in a seething fit of rage.

Brevon: I'd like to see you try.

They battle. Lilac (or Carol) wins, afterwards proceeding to severely beat up Brevon even further.

-Lilac's Line-

Lilac: Nobody... hurts... Milla!!!

-Milla's Scene-

Brevon: So, it's come down to this...

Milla: Where's Lilac?

Brevon: Who? Oh, yes. Quite the fool for challenging me. You won't be seeing her again.

Milla: Lilac...?

Brevon: I offer you one final chance. Leave! Now!

Milla: I... can't... I WON'T!

Brevon: So be it.

They battle. After the Absolution has been severely damaged, Brevon equips his mech armor.

Brevon: Take this!

After an intense battle, Milla manages to severely damage Brevon's Mech as well.

Brevon: No!!

With Brevon's Mech severely damaged, Brevon, in a seething fit of rage, breaks out of his damaged mech with his knife, glaring at Milla, who is stricken with fear and tears of terror in her eyes.

Brevon: Rrrgh! You've pestered me long enough!

Brevon grabs Milla by the throat.

Brevon: Say goodbye!

Lilac Dragon Boosts into Brevon, knocking Milla out of his grasp. Lilac then Dragon Boosts into him again, beating him up even further.

Lilac: Nobody... hurts... Milla!!!
