Avalice Archives


It's such a shame that you chose the wrong side. Enjoy the last few minutes of your pathetic lives!
- Dail's monologue at the start of the Shade Beast fight

Dail (デール), also known as King Dail was previously a prince until his father's death, is a major character in Freedom Planet series.

He is the crown prince of Shuigang and the older half-brother of Spade. After witnessing the beheading of his father, he was then brainwashed and enslaved by Lord Brevon, who convinces him to steal the Kingdom Stone, which could've escalated in a civil war between the three kingdoms of Avalice. However, this was averted when Torque and Team Lilac successfully united the kingdoms of Shang Tu & Shang Mu against Brevon.

Afterwards, Dail is freed from Brevon's control by Spade, and goes on to inherit his father's throne, although he would be haunted by the memory of father's death and feels the guilt for not being able to prevent it.


Dail is a male panda with ivory-white fur, black hair and golden-brown eyes (when he was brainwashed, his eyes were red). He wears green robes with gold high-lightings and a yellow scarf strapped around his waist.


Upon being brainwashed, Dail's personality became the complete opposite: cold and vengeful, and shows determination to finding the killer, not letting anything or anyone stand in his way. But his thirst for revenge blinded him to the fact that he was manipulated by the very person he's looking for. After being freed from being brainwashed, Dail is affected by guilt for being a pawn in a warlord's game, even after the three-year time skip.


Like his brother, Spade, Dail is able to fight with cards and use the Flash Jump ability. He is also able to operate machines and pilot certain vehicles, such as the Kujacker and the Shade Beast. In Freedom Planet 2, Dail is shown to be proficient with a sword, as he no longer uses his cards, as stated by Judy, one of the royal guards of Shuigang Palace.


King of Shuigang[]

I wasn't strong enough...
- Dail, feeling guilty for his father's death three years ago

Dail is the son of the late King of Shuigang, the relationship between them immediately makes it clear that they love each other when his father is horrified to see his son captured by Lord Brevon. Dail could not do anything to save his father from death, He was coldly murdered by Lord Brevon right in front of his eyes. After being freed from Brevon's control by Spade, Dail becomes the new king, and keeps his father's tunic and axe close to the throne, likely to honor his memory. Years later, Dail still feels the pain from his father's death and guilt for his inability to save him, but Neera Li assures him that he is doing well as the new king of Shuigang, and his father would be proud.


My brother wouldn't steal from me. I'd bust him up good.
- Dail, denying that Spade would steal from him without getting busted up

Spade is Dail's younger half-brother, Dail loves and trusts his brother despite him being part of the Red Scarves, plus the fact that he freed him from Brevon's control. Little is known about what they have in common, asides from sharing certain abilities, but Dail claims he couldn't do anything wrong to Spade but would not hesitate to "bust him up good" if he ever got up to his old tricks. This was shown when Dail learned from Neera that he sent Spade to assist Team Lilac in Parusa (which he didn't), having acquired Syntax as a "service fee". As a result, Dail quickly tracked down Spade and did in fact "busted him up good", delivering him and Syntax to Team Lilac afterwards.

Lord Brevon[]

- Dail, yelling at Brevon in anger after he killed his father

When Lord Brevon first invaded Shuigang, Dail tried to fend off the Warlord and his army, but was captured and taken prisoner. After Brevon killed right before his eyes his Father, Dale screams in anger and calls him MURDERER! He tries to attack Lord Brevon, only to be grabbed by throat by the Warlord and subjugated Dail to his will. Dail's further actions were influenced by Lord Brevon. He was later released from Brevon's influence by his brother. Years later, Dail still hates Brevon and even sometimes feels fear and pain from the memory of his Father's death, but will not hesitate to inform Team Lilac if Brevon does return.


  • Dail's attacks seem to correspond with his outfit (Yellow and green, as mentioned above).
  • Dail is one of the two bosses in the game with the ability to spawn Elemental shields, the other being Neera Li. Unlike Neera, he only uses the Metal shield.
  • The last names of both Dail and Spade are still unknown, although they are likely to be something denoting the name of the kingdom, since they are royalty.
  • While unconfirmed, it seems that the Flash Jump is either a Shuigang royal family genetic ability or a shared invention between Dail and Spade.
  • Dail's boss theme is one of the most popular tracks from the original soundtrack among fans.
  • Dail's Boss theme is significantly different in the Beta build. This is likely because the original track was actually used as a placeholder until an official boss theme for Dail was invented for the final release.[1]

